Media Dept.

As a supporting department we work with you to bring your vision to life through digital and print services.

Fast support

Expert team


We offer wide range of solutions for your project

Please review the services list below and fill out our questionnaire so we can determine how to best serve your project’s need.

Flyer Design

Flyer design is helpful to show your audience the basic information about your project. Flyers can be designed in about 5 days.*

Printed Banner Ads

Printed banner ads are great for grabing audience attention from a distance. These can be designed in about 3 days.*

Social Media Ads

These digital ads can reach a large volume of people as they display on our website and facebook accounts. Ad design takes about 3 days.*

Landing Page Design

Landing pages are great for collecting audience email and contact information. A landing can be developed in about 10 days.*

Video Ads

Videos are a great way to show your audience the value of what you offer. Our team can produce a 60 second video in about 14 days.*

Books & Catalogs

When you need to share lots of content with your audience sometimes a book or catalog works best. These are larger projects and production time varies.

* Production time estimates assume your project is delivered to the media department with necessary administrative approval and all text and image assets be predefined. Our time estimates do not take into consideration administrative review or design changes.

Please help us determine the best solution for you by filling out the questionnaire below

If you have already filled out the questionnaire and need to contact the media team please contact us!

Media Questionnaire


Do you have admin approval?
Which services can we help with?

Our production time does not include printing or shipping wait times.

Project Overview

Example: To invite community members to our health seminar event.
Example: We expect to fill 50 seats at the Better Living Center with this marketing campaign.
Please include: Age, race, geographic location, income, religious affiliations, general interests, social media status, etc.

Project Details

Example: "Lose Those Extra Pounds" - A weight-loss program that really works.
Example: In our weight-loss program a coach will actually do the program with you so you have all the support you need each step of the way.
Example: One-on-one coaching sessions, doctor evaluations, weight-loss recipes, cooking classes, health lectures, keynote speakers, etc.
Example: Sign up today to reserve your spot!
Example: Our health seminar will be held on Tuesday July 11 from 3PM - 6PM at the Better Living Center. Please call 555-555-55555 for more information, etc.

Team Meeting

Would you like to have input with the design?
The media department can develop the designs and submit them for your review or you can be a part of the design process from the beginning.
Please visit to do an image search for the images that best fit your project needs. Then paste the image link in the field below so we can acquire the images for your project.

Maximum file size: 10.24MB

Please share additional comments with us regarding your project!

Projects completed and delivered in 2023.

Minutes of video edited between all departments .


of pojects completed by the due date.